Tuesday, 14 March 2017

always take a selfie infront of your mirror when you know you are looking dapper

always take a selfie on your mirror especially when you know you are ready to rock the world,as a fashionista I laways keep it 100%,lesson learnt today is that always look good on your mirror

Tuesday, 1 November 2016

man sunglasses.

casual sunglasses for a sunny day,you can never go wrong accompanied with a gentle black hat and gothic nose ring for men.

Thursday, 27 October 2016

plain sun glasses are always the best on a casual day.

I thank my photographer,itwas all grey moment.

JDA college jacket

JobdesignsAfrica logo

JDA college jacket

Wednesday, 30 March 2016

always stay fresh

ghana kente 

tribal shirt with a hat,cool on a sunny day

Monday, 16 November 2015

dont make fashion complicated.....make it simple by first becoming simple.

jungle suit rocked with leather sandles.....can do well on weekends

the look is dope...and i i have never seen anyone with this kind of outfit....the multiple color blocked socks has  matched well with the p-square